Blog Inc. Trailer

Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of posts lately, I’ve been really busy working on amazing projects for new clients. Here is one I just wrapped up this week so I can finally share it with you. This is the trailer I did for the book Blog Inc. written by the well known blogger Joy Cho from Oh Joy! This was a really fun project, I enjoyed making all the details in the decors. Joy and I really share the same passion for design, colors and food so it was awesome to work with her. We met a couple month ago in LA at her house (so nicely decorated), I’ve been following her blog for a few years so when she offered me this opportunity to work on her trailer I couldn’t refuse..

I hope you like it!

4 years in America!

Time flies! I remember when I moved to San Francisco in september 2008, my dream was finally becoming true, I was so moved and excited to be here!

This all started when I was 10 years old! My parents, brother and sister and I did a one month and half road trip with to California. From San Francisco to San Diego.

My big brother on the left, me in the middle never without my walkman and my little sister’s curly hairs in 1994!

I remember how hot it was!Reorganizing the trunk again and again because of all the shopping! Looking at my position I was probably complaining to my dad because he wanted to sort things and probably throw some of the stuff away, haha.

All three of us proudly wearing Chuck Taylor All Star Converse as you can see!

This was the best trip of my life, I remember this like it was yesterday. We liked it so much that the next year they brought us to the East Coast and the year after that to Louisiana and Florida! Since then, it’s been my dream to live in the US. I thank my parents so much for sharing with us their love for travel. They really taught us to be curious and go for what we want.

My second dream came true here: becoming an illustrator! You don’t know how many publishers and magazines I sent my portfolio to in France after graduating in graphic design, who never bothered writing me back! I was afraid that I was never going to be an illustrator…that no one will one day give me a chance.

One day, after a year between Paris and Montreal, I had this opportunity to come for 3 months in San Francisco and I fell in love again with the city. So I decided to do everything in my power to stay and I found an internship in a design agency. A year and half later I had my own design/illustration studio.

It took a lot of work, one blog post to show my illustration style in the US, a lot of visas paperwork (but so worth it) and great support from my family and friends to be where I am today. I am so thankful for this country for GIVING ME THIS CHANCE to show what I was capable of. After 2 years working as an independent, I can list in my clients Warner Bros. records, Chronicle Books, Anthology Magazine, Target, The SF Guardian… and I hope many more in the future. Every project has been a really great collaboration so far and I can’t wait to see what will come next!

This is me today (18 years later), illustrator, sitting in my working space in San Francisco (published in The San Francisco Guardian).

So this excitement is still here today! There is so much happening here, so many opportunities, inspiring people to meet. Every day when I walk around the city I feel so lucky to live in one of the most awesome and beautiful city in the world. Thank you for all the inspiration San Francisco!

Follow your dreams people!

Making sushis

I thought that august would be a very slow month because everyone is on vacation, but no! Seems like for me it will be the busiest month of the year and I’m really happy with it! A lot of new fun projects coming in. Right now, I’m making a sushi for a new client illustration…More details about the project and photos soon!

The San Francisco Bay Guardian

So excited and impatient to see the printed issue of the Guardian this morning, I ran outside my apartment to the first newspaper boxes I could find still wearing my pyjamas and took like 10 copies (who cares I live in the mission there are crazy people everywhere)!

I think the first time I saw newspaper street boxes was on a trip to California with my parents when I was 10, and I thought it was really cool, 18 years later my work appear in one of those newspaper: The San Francisco Bay Guardian!!!

So this is what I’ve been working on the past 2 months, the Best of The Bay issue, 38th edition. I Illustrated the cover and the 4 sections inside: Shopping, City Living, Art & Entertainment and Food & Drink. Thank you to Kara Brodgesell who took the photos!

And a few close-ups shots:

Going to Seattle for the weekend

I am so excited! I’ve always wanted to visit Seattle! Maybe since I was 15 when I watched Nora Ephron’s movie Sleepless in Seattle… It’s probably the green and the rain that make this city looks mysterious and magical to me and it’s certainly the same thing that made me want to go to Portland, as well as the music/art scene.

I’ve got on my list of things to do The Experience Music Project, I heard it’s really good and they currently have a Nirvana exhibit: Punk to the Masses.

I also want to see the Seattle Art Museum. Some friends also suggested the Pike Place Market, Ballard and Capitol Hill areas, and the Space Needle of course. Apparently there’s a music festival happening this weekend in Capitol Hill! Phantogram is playing!

And if we have time we’ll drove west from Seattle to go the Salt Creek and Crescent Bay, and the Olympic National Park.

In my bag: camera, denim shirt (always the best when you travel)…

My sketchbook if I get inspired, a book for the flight: Just Kids, the biography of Patti Smith which I highly recommend! My hat, some jewelry…Sunglasses because it looks like it will be sunny saturday, and my umbrella just in case!

I want pink hair!

This is my new paper lady. Here is my inspiration for this illustration: pink hairs, pastel colors, flowers, bows and shells.

Aren’t these sunglasses super cool?!

And this bra!!! Oh mon dieu! I want it sooo bad!

I’ve been obsessed with Cara Delevingne lately. This is her look for Chanel!So should I color my hairs pink?

Or purple maybe? Look at Abbey Lee Kershaw rocking her purple hairs!